What Can Your Neighbors Tell You About Your Roof?

Posted on: 22 July 2021

Your neighborhood is as much an integral part of your home as the structure itself. Most people know that where they live can impact the value of their home, the quality of the schools, and many other factors, but what about your roof? You might not spend much time looking at the tops of your neighbors' houses, but there's a lot you can learn from a glance upwards.

As you look around your neighborhood at the houses around you, keep these three questions in mind for the next time you decide to rebuild your roof.

1. What's the Overall Condition of Nearby Roofs?

Many suburban neighborhoods sprung up as developments, which means that many of the houses in your community may be of a similar age. If you know some of the homes around you are about as old as your own – at least within a few years – then you can use the condition of their roofing to peer into your future. Note how these roofs look and whether your neighbors have recently had their roofs replaced.

Since the houses around you experience similar weather and climate conditions, you can use their resilience to plan for the future. If your neighbors all seem to be replacing roofing that looks just like yours, you might need to consider a new roof soon. At a minimum, it's a good sign that you should contact a roofer for a thorough inspection.

2. What Kind of Issues Can You See?

Since the homes in your neighborhood all share similar environmental conditions, you can get a good idea of the risks your roof faces by looking at the houses around you. Can you see severe sun degradation in roofs that receive a similar amount of sunlight to yours? Is mold or other forms of moisture damage prevalent?

Even if your home isn't suffering from these problems, they're worth keeping in mind. When you install a new roof, you can discuss ways to mitigate issues such as this with your roofer, such as installing roofing that's more UV-resistant or installing larger gutters to channel water more effectively.

3. What Styles Do Your Neighbors Use?

If you aren't subject to HOA rules, then the world is your oyster for roofing design. However, many people like to keep a consistent look with their neighbors, which can also be an excellent way to maintain your home's value. Of course, that doesn't mean you have to be the same as everyone else. A quick look around can provide ideas for unique yet complementary roofing colors and styles.

You might not care about keeping up with your neighbors, but a look around your neighborhood can help ensure you have the best roof in town. For more information, contact a residential roofing service near you.
