2 Problems That Can Plague Your Flat Roof
Posted on: 26 October 2022
Most of the commercial buildings constructed across the country feature flat roofing systems. Flat roofs are designed to not only protect a building's interior against the elements, but to also provide adequate space for HVAC components and other important equipment.
In order to maintain your flat roof, you need to be familiar with the major problems that can plague these roofing systems over time.
Here are two of the main culprits behind flat roof damage.
1. Blistering
It is fairly easy to spot blistering on a flat roof. Blistering occurs when small pockets of air become trapped beneath the flat roof membrane. Heat from the sun causes these air pockets to expand and stretch the membrane out of shape. You will see small bumps and raised areas on your roof, reminiscent of the blisters that can form on skin.
Roofing experts agree that most of the time blistering doesn't pose a serious threat to your roof. That said, there are some circumstances that call for blistering to be addressed by an experienced contractor as quickly as possible.
Anytime you see blistering accompanied by cracks in the roof membrane, patches of missing membrane directly over blistered areas, or blistering in high-traffic areas, repairs are needed. A roofing contractor will be able to cut away the damaged piece of membrane surrounding each blister and install a patch to restore the waterproof seal of your flat roof.
2. Alligator Cracking
Alligator cracking is another type of problem that you could face with your flat roof. These cracks are typically present on flat roofs that have been exposed to debris, excess moisture, and direct sunlight. Each of these elements has the potential to weaken the integrity of the surface layer of your roof.
The sun's UV rays are able to dry out a damaged roof surface, which causes the surface to develop hairline fractures. These small fractures develop into larger cracks as your flat roofing materials expand and contract in response to temperature fluctuations.
The only way to adequately address alligator cracking is to have your roofing contractor install a new layer of protective membrane across the surface of your roof. The new membrane seals off existing alligator cracking and helps to prevent any moisture from being able to seep into your building through these cracks.
Blistering and alligator cracking have the potential to wreak havoc on the condition of your commercial roof. Work closely with your roofing contractor to identify and repair these types of damage in the future.
Reach out to a company like Fischer Roofing - Flat Roof Pros to learn more.