Protecting Your Home's Exterior With New Siding

Posted on: 29 June 2023

The exterior siding of your home plays a crucial role in protecting it from the elements while keeping your house looking great. Over time, however, siding can deteriorate due to age, weather conditions, or other factors. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for siding replacement is essential and will help maintain the integrity and curb appeal of your residential property. 

Visible Damage

Inspecting your siding regularly is the first step in determining if it's time for a replacement. Look for signs of damage, such as cracks, holes, warping, or rot. 

Damaged siding not only compromises the aesthetic appeal of your home but can also allow moisture to get behind it, leading to further deterioration and potential structural issues. If you notice extensive damage or decay, it's likely time to consider a siding replacement for your house.

Energy Bills

Old or damaged siding can affect the energy efficiency of your home. As siding ages, it may lose its ability to provide proper insulation, allowing drafts and air leaks to get through, causing the heating and air conditioning systems to work harder throughout the year. 

This can result in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. If you've noticed a significant increase in your energy costs, it may be that your siding is no longer providing adequate insulation, and replacement is necessary. Have a siding contractor assess the situation and make a recommendation for you.

Fading or Peeling Paint

If your home has painted siding, and you notice significant fading or peeling, it might be time to consider siding replacement. Fading and peeling paint will diminish the curb appeal of your home but also indicate underlying issues with the siding material. 

These signs suggest that the siding is no longer effectively protecting your home from moisture and environmental elements, making replacement a wise choice. In some cases, repainting is possible, but often that depends on the material and the condition of it.

Mold or Mildew

Mold or mildew on your siding is not only unsightly but also potentially harmful to your health. Mold and mildew thrive in moist environments, and if your siding has developed moisture-related issues, it can become a breeding ground for these organisms. 

If you see mold or mildew growth on your siding, it's essential to address it and consider siding replacement to prevent further damage and maintain a healthy living environment.

Outdated Siding

If your siding is structurally sound, its appearance may be outdated or no longer good for the home. Your home's exterior plays a significant role in its overall curb appeal and value. 

If you feel that your siding no longer complements the style of your home, or if you're looking to refresh its appearance, siding replacement can offer a transformative upgrade that enhances the beauty and modernizes the look of your residential property.

To learn more, contact a siding service in your area such as Mather's Improvement Service.
